Carriage charge update

As you are probably aware, deliveries have been affected worldwide and we are no different - shipping delays and transporting issues continue to affect us. Due to circumstances out of our control and a rise in costs, we are amending our customer carriage charges from Monday 20th September 2021. 

Please note that made to measure YewdaleMovatrack® and YewdaleKestrel® Movatrack are subject to alternative carriage charges, an outline of our new charges are below.

All orders:

YewdaleMovatrack® and YewdaleKestrel® Movatrack are subject to alternative carriage charges:
Orders under £1000 net: £12.00
Orders over £1000 net: £25.00
Orders over £2000 net: £50.00 

Time-critical carriage costs to be added to the above:
£16.00 Pre-noon
£28.00 Pre-9.30am 
£30.00 Saturday delivery 
(dependent on postcode)

Elite delivery service:
£10.00 Standard Delivery
£16.00 Pre-noon
£28.00 Pre-9.30am

£85.00 Carriage costs

Isle of Man / Channel Isles:
£100.00 Carriage costs

We always do our best to stay transparent to our customers and update you of any challenges in good time. We can assure you that we will continue to provide the best service possible and work hard to reduce the impact on you from global challenges. 

If your orders are delivered by our Elite service, we strive to make the delivery as friendly and personal as possible. We also use less packaging, helping us reduce waste. Find out more about our Elite delivery service here.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and loyalty. If you’d like to discuss this further or require more information, please don’t hesitate to contact your account manager or call our team on 01268 570900